Monday, April 25, 2005

How much does your school district spend?

Ever wonder exactly how much and how your school district spends its money? For Texas teachers there is a quick and easy way to check your district's finances out. Using PEIMS data (the state information reporting system for schools), the Texas Education Agency has created a website that will generate reports with breakdowns in various sub areas such as administrative costs and money spent on athletics.

For non-Texas teachers, if you would like to see how the website works you can type in "Nacogdoches" (my home county) for the county name and then select one of the 5 school districts.

The website can be found here.

An Excellent Read

I just finished reading Brendan Halpin's book Losing My Faculties: A Teacher's Story. It provides great description of the day to day work of being a teacher as well as a detailed chapter on working at a charter school, and what happens when the businessmen on the board of directors of the school decide to take over its day to day operations.

Brendan Halpin also has a book out called It Takes a Worried Man describing his wife's struggle with breast cancer and it how it effected the entire circle of family, friends and co-workers. I haven't read it but it has some great reviews on

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Conneticut to begin the revolt

It looks like Conneticut is going to cut in line ahead of Utah to challenge the federal govt. and NCLB. According to this story posed at According to state Attorney General Richard Blumenthal the state is preparing a lawsuit that will contend "the law illegally and unconstitutionally requires states and communities to spend millions of dollars more than the federal government provides for test development and school reform programs.

"Lead on, Conneticut, lead on.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

La Vida Robot

I've decided to quit bashing Roy Blake long enough to post this fantastic story I found via Joanne Jacobs

The story is about 4 illegal immigrants who compete in a design contest against kids from wealthy and well funded schools, including some college teams. The story can be found here