Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Roy Blake sells out again
He also voted against a Democractic sponsored amendment which would have fixed many of the financing problems with Texas schools. The actual vote was a tie, with the Speaker of the House Tom Craddick, no friend of public education, casting the tie breaker. I'm sure HB2 is also loaded with lots of other anti-public school provisions. The "increase" in funding for Texas schools will be $2.5 billion less per year than a state judge ruled the state needs to put into education. In fact, most critics agree the "increase" will not even keep pace with inflation and rising student enrollments.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
His 9 years of homeschooling have made him a public education expert
My favorite tidbit is this:
. . .teachers in California are so incompetent that they can’t get jobs in other fields or industries.
Where does his expertise on California public school teachers come from? Well, his 9 years of home schooling in Minnesota.
Other websites his views are posted on include,, and His article is proof that you need to know nothing as far as the anti-public school crowd is concerned; if you criticize public schools then you must be right.
Friday, June 17, 2005
How vouchers were killed in Texas, and some praise for Roy Blake
The article also describes a brilliant move by moderate Republican Charlie Geren of Ft. Worth.
He has an amendment to his amendment, one that voucher supporters have not seen yet, that he will substitute for his original amendment. It gives the House leadership a taste of its own medicine.
Geren’s amendment would remove the Dallas and Fort Worth school districts from the proposed voucher pilot program and replace them with Arlington and Irving. The choices aren’t random. Arlington is Education Chairman and chief voucher cheerleader Kent Grusendorf’s district. Irving is home to Republican Linda Harper-Brown, who also sponsored the voucher proposal.
Apparently, Grusendorf and Brown intended to stick it to other people's school districts and never intended to have vouchers enacted in their own school districts.
Since I have been so vocal about Roy Blake and the things he's done I didn't like I will have to send him an email thanking him for his vote against vouchers. He also took the time to personally email me on this issue and backed up his words with his actions.
Thanks to Education at the Brink, an Austin area teacher, for the link to the story.
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Dr. Cookie is collecting teacher blogs
Sunday, June 12, 2005
After 15 years, charters in Milwaukee are pretty much like the public schools
The principal effect of choice has been more to preserve the city's private schools, many of them Lutheran and Catholic ones, than to create schools that innovate or reform
In other words, the money is doled out without much checking from the state, money that could have been going to improve the local public schools.Based on firsthand observations and other reporting, Journal Sentinel reporters concluded that at least 10 of the 106 schools they visited appeared to lack the ability, resources, knowledge or will to offer children even a mediocre education. Most of these were led by individuals who had little to no background in running schools and had no resources other than the state payments.
You can read the article here
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Another court victory for education, and a blow to the "reform" movement
The most telling statement was from spokesman Jan Lunsford of the Attorney General's office:
The general and his staff want the proper amount of time for a good and thorough look at it
I love the phrase "the general"
One interesting part of the ruling for those of us in Texas was this:
In Texas, this was the exact arguement schools were making against the school "reform" package the Republicans tried to ram through the legislature last session. Raising property taxes is the only way for school districts to get any new additional funds. However, the so called 'property rich" school districts can raise millions of more dollars this way than the "property poor" districts. This was one of the central arguements in the recent court ruling by Judge Dietz, as the state legislature had placed a property tax limit on schools. Judge Dietz ruled that such a cap creates an unconstitutional statewide property tax. He also ruled the 55% passing rule, used to determine how much money schools will get, (you'll need to go to pages 56 and 57 but it is very intersting reading) is also unconstitutional.Mays and other Republican leaders also supported provisions of the new school funding law that would allow some districts to raise more money through local property taxes. The court struck those provisions down, saying they would increase disparities between wealthy and poor districts.
You can read the article from the Wichita Eagle here