Monday, June 26, 2006

Are things really THAT bad?

That this sign would really be necessary?


Duez said...

You must not live in Houston. People drive through water in this city every time it rains. But, it gives the tow trucks and news anchors something to do, I guess.

Onyx said...

Bill Engvall and Gallhegar are both proud of you for posting that sign!

I listened to Bill Envall while on a road trip and howled at the warnings that are on stuff. Listen to Bill he'll help ya understand.

Down on the gulf coast people drive through the water all the time. Once I made it to school, when my subdivision had been flooded and school had been cancelled! But then I drive a "tall" vehicle.

Mister Teacher said...

Brought to you by the same people who put the words, "AIM AWAY FROM FACE" on the outer shell of military weaponry...