Monday, March 05, 2007

Your Monday Morning Mad Quote

Kudos to Michael, who correctly identified George Carlin as the speaker for last week's quote. And now for this week's:
The Senate is investigating profiteering on oil and gas. The important questions are: 1)Which oil companies are raking in huge profits? and 2)HOw big of contributors are they?

Speaking of oil company profits, gas prices have skyrocketed once again just in time for Spring Break. Last year the oil companies missed out on some major profits by waiting a couple of weeks too long to jack up the prices, so this year they've done it a little earlier. Last year's concerns driving the price up? North Korea, Iran and increased demand for gasoline. This year's? North Korea, Iran and increased demand for gasoline.

1 comment:

Michael Shirley said...

Will Durst.